PowerShell and DevOps

TT09 What's Next in PowerShell v7.x

August 6th, 2024

1:30pm - 2:45pm

Level: Introductory Intermediate

Steven Bucher

PM on the PowerShell team


Jason Helmick

Program Manager, PowerShell team


Danny Maertens

PM on the PowerShell Team


Sydney Smith

PM on the PowerShell team


Microsoft PowerShell is the management tool of choice to manage, configure and automate critical workloads in Windows, Linux, macOS and cloud. Regardless if your workloads are on-premises or cloudnative, PowerShell's extensible platform provides you the tools you need to manage and automate your infrastructure.

Join members of the PowerShell team, Sydney Smith, Danny Maertens, Steven Bucher and Jason Helmick, to explore the new features and vision in the soon to be released PowerShell v7.x. In this demonstration heavy session, you will learn about:

  • Security features to help protect your secrets, trusted repositories and more.
  • Configuration management with DSC v3 and the exciting work with Winget.
  • AI in the Shell, providing many helpful accelerators. You will learn about predictors, feedback
  • providers and the ongoing work bringing Copilot to the Shell.
  • Remoting in scale with SSH. PowerShell has moved to the remoting protocol most used in the industry - SSH. Learn how you can enable and benefit from the new remoting experience.
  • Community! PowerShell is open-source with an activity community. Here how to get plugged into the most recent discussions.