
TH15 Implementing Multifactor Authentication, the Easy Way

August 11th, 2022

3:00pm - 4:15pm

Level: Introductory Intermediate

John O'Neill, Sr.

Chief Technologist

AWS Solutions

Let's face it, passwords just don't cut it anymore if you want robust protection for users and IT assets. Multifactor authentication is a must for security against modern IT threats. In addition, virtually all CyberInsurance policies require MFA without exception. Don't worry, using two or more security factors doesn't need to be difficult to implement or use. Windows Hello and Windows Hello for Business provide excellent MFA with implementations as simple as they are robust. The Microsoft Authenticator App and OTP hardware tokens offer ease of use. Blasting on the scene is Microsoft's Temporary Access Pass functionality. Learn to deploy all these and more in this jam-packed session!

You will learn:

  • Multifactor isn't just USB tokens and complicated configuration anymore
  • FIDO2, OAUTH, and other important MFA standards
  • Temporary Access Passes, what they are and how to use them